What is asthma? Although asthma is a very common condition and one you have no doubt heard about and either experienced or witnessed a loved one experience, you may not understand what causes it or what it is. Asthma affects 26 million people in America. It is one of the top causes of work / school absence. Learn more about what it is and how our team at Washington Township Medical Foundation provides effective treatments.
Asthma causes shortness of breath and / or wheezing / whistling. Asthma occurs when spasms form in the bronchi of the lungs. Airways inflame and narrow, and additional mucus production occurs. This makes breathing difficult. In many cases, asthma is actually an allergic reaction or another type of hypersensitivity.
In some cases, asthma is relatively minor. In other cases, it can be dangerous, interfering, or even life threatening. If you experience these symptoms listed below frequently, ask a doctor at our pulmonary department at Washington Township Medical Foundation. There are different asthma condition, including exercise-induced asthma and occupational asthma.
Considered a chronic lung disease, some of the symptoms of asthma include: