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Women’s Health Specialists

Our patients are very important to us as we fulfill our mission to deliver comprehensive,
contemporary, and most importantly, compassionate medical care.


The state of carrying a developing embryo or fetus within the female body (normally in the uterus). If you are seeking information on breastfeeding, please go to Breasts page of our Women’s Health Library.

Brochures, Office Handouts and Web Links

* Abortion procedures are discussed in this Frequently Asked Questions document, provided by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG).

* Cord-blood banking information.

* Dental treatment during pregnancy––review our recommendations here.

* Exercise during pregnancy tips from ACOG.

* Kick counts––and a prenatal kick-count card––at this link.

* Is this labor? It can be difficult to tell. More info.

* Nutrition during pregnancy, from The Female Patient.

* Over-the-counter medications and their safety are discussed.

* Planned C-section

* Postpartum––what you should know, from The Female Patient.

* Seafood consumption during pregnancy? ACOG provides this update.

Related Links From Washington Hospital

* Washington Hospital Birthing Center

* Washington Hospital Prenatal and Parenting Classes

* Washington Hospital Breastfeeding and Lactation Support

* Washington Hospital Postpartum Programs

More information about all types of pregnancy issues––through videos, infographics and frequently asked questions––can be found on the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists' patient resource page.

For more information on these or any other health conditions, you can also visit our Health Library at

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