You may be alarmed when you first feel a numb, tingling, or painful feeling radiating through your arms. These symptoms are often precursors to a heart attack, but if you do not suffer a myocardial infraction within the next few hours then there is a good chance the pain is from Cervical Radiculopathy. Cervical Radiculopathy is a pinched nerve that can be caused by injury, wear and tear on bones, and ruptured disks. Some symptoms include headaches, difficulty coordinating, and delayed reflexes in the arm. Pain is often trigger by moving the arm or neck.
Doctors can typically recommend ways to treat arm pain without utilizing imaging diagnostics, medication, or surgery. Roughly 80% of Cervical Radiculopathy cases can be resolved with simple stretches and restricting movement in the affected area. Doctors may recommend the patient wear a soft neck collar for 1-2 weeks and use a cervical pillow at night.
There are several treatments for arm pain, including:
While recovering, avoid heavy lifting and contact sports. Maintain good posture whenever possible, and take frequent breaks when driving or using a computer.