Varicose veins are not just a cosmetic concern. They can also be a painful and concerning health issue that affects your long-term quality of life. Fortunately, there are treatment options available, and our team at Washington Health Medical Group is more than happy to tell you about them and to let you know your options. If you want to learn more about how varicose veins are treated, keep reading or call your Fremont doctor at WHMG to make an appointment.
We also offer additional information about spider and varicose veins on the following pages for your benefit and assistance:
Both men and women suffer from varicose veins. In fact, the National Institutes of Health estimates that approximately 60% of men and women suffer from some type of vein disorder. Varicose veins are blood vessels move blood from the heart to the legs, but are in fact only a superficial venous system, with the true system working underneath. This means that surface-level varicose veins may be safely removed should they begin to cause problems. Some patients opt for medical procedures to address varicose veins; others may attempt making lifestyle chances to see if these adjustments provide results. Ask your doctor which course of action and / or treatment is right for you.