Infectious diseases are caused by pathogenic microorganisms including bacteria, fungi, parasites, and viruses. They can be spread by direct or indirect contact, bites from an insect or an animal, environmental factors, or even contaminated food or water. While some mild illnesses may not require professional medical attention, other infections are serious and may require hospitalization.
Washington Township Medical Foundation is proud to provide personalized care for patients diagnosed with infectious diseases. We are committed to maintaining excellent patient services in Fremont and surrounding areas. If you are experiencing a severe headache and fever, sudden vision problems, a rash, a cough lasting longer than a week, difficulty breathing, or similar symptoms, we encourage you to come to WTMF for treatment.
Learn more about infectious diseases—including types of infectious diseases, how they are diagnosed, and treatments for infections provided at Washington Township Medical Foundation:
There are many different types of illnesses and conditions that fall under the category of infectious diseases that our team treats, including AIDS / HIV, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), influenza, rubella, pneumonia, hepatitis B and C, measles, mumps, whooping cough, tuberculosis, wound infections, Zika virus, and similar conditions. In most cases, the infection has minor complications, but some can be life threatening. Seek medical care and treatment from our infectious disease medical professionals today.
At the bottom of this page, you can find our Infectious Disease team locations. You can request an appointment through our appointment page by clicking here.