Pulmonary Function Tests
Lung Function Tests
Pulmonary function tests are a series of tests used to provide your doctor
with information about lung function. These tests give your doctor measured
data about your ability to breathe and how well your lungs work in providing
you with oxygen.
There are several types of pulmonary function tests, including:
- Body plethysmography
- Gas diffusion
- Inhalation challenge test
- Exercise stress test
- Spirometry
What Do Pulmonary Function Testes Measure?
These tests can measure your:
- Minute volume (MV)
- Vital capacity (VC)
Forced vital capacity (FVC)
- Tidal volume
- Functional residual capacity (FRC)
- Residual volume
- Total lung capacity
Forced expiratory volume (FEV)
- Forced expiratory flow (FEF)
- Peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR)
Why Did My Doctor Order a Pulmonary Function Test?
At Washington Health Medical Group, your doctor may use these tests
for a variety of reasons, including the following:
- If you are experiencing pulmonary symptoms suggesting the presence of a
possible lung condition, including shortness of breath and / or wheezing
- As one aspect of a routine, thorough physical examination
- Assess your candidacy for surgery
- Evaluate the efficacy of a medication being used for treatment of a pulmonary condition
Conditions Diagnosed by Pulmonary Function Tests
Pulmonary function tests can be used to diagnose a broad range of conditions,
- Lung fibrosis
- Respiratory infections
- Chronic bronchitis
- Allergies
- Asthma
- Asbestosis
- Bronchiectasis
- Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
- Scleroderma
- Lung cancer
- Pulmonary tumors