Women’s Health Specialists

Our patients are very important to us as we fulfill our mission to deliver comprehensive,
contemporary, and most importantly, compassionate medical care.

Laparoscopic Supracervical Hysterectomy

When a problem such as fibroids requires the removal of your uterus, having it done with a scope through button-hole size incisions makes for a less painful, more-rapid recovery. Your cervix and ovaries are preserved, maintaining normal hormone and sexual function.

If you’re like most women, the thought of a hysterectomy means a long recovery and a large visible scar. It used to be that total abdominal hysterectomy (removal of the uterus and cervix through a large abdominal incision) was the only type of hysterectomy offered to women. But today, innovative laparoscopic techniques and the development of improved surgical devices allow for less-invasive procedures. Consequently, hospital stays and recovery times have also been significantly reduced.

The newest technique, called Laparoscopic Supracervical Hysterectomy (LSH), is truly redefining hysterectomy. Few surgeons are trained to perform this advanced procedure. In fact, the doctors at Women’s Health Specialists were among the first to perform LSH in the Bay Area. LSH is a partial hysterectomy that preserves your cervix, and often your ovaries, removing only the diseased uterus. The procedure is performed at our Washington Outpatient Surgery Center.

Watch a Video on Laparoscopic Hysterectomy HERE.

LSH causes less vaginal dryness because the glands of the cervix continue to secrete mucous, avoiding the common complaint after hysterectomy of vaginal dryness. LSH also affords better pelvic support, because the ligaments that support the cervix and vagina are left intact. Most importantly, LSH results in less pain and a quicker recovery compared to traditional hysterectomies because of the small incisions used in the laparoscopic approach. Sparing of the ovaries, in most cases, avoids the need for hormone replacement.

The Numbers Tell the Story …

Type of Hysterectomy
Incision Site
Average Hospital Stay
Average Recovery Time
Total Abdominal Procedure
Abdomen (4-6 inch incision)
3-6 days
6 weeks (42 days)
Laparoscopic Supercervical Hysterectomy
Tiny incisions in the abdominal navel
1 day or less
6 days

So, why not simply seek gynecologists who are experienced, skilled laparoscopic surgeons?

Hysterectomy should be the last resort in resolving a gynecologic problem. However, if one is needed, then talk to our Washington Women's Health Specialists to find out if you're a good candidate for LSH.

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